Just loved the idea of this….ART FOR ALL

Art for all ! Art for the masses. Art that anyone can have….Utopian art, is that why we all paint and have always painted…Probably !

I just love coming by chance upon an interesting way of looking at the world or acting in it. what I noticed was a head line that read “why you should buy art” intrigued, I followed some links and ended up on a blog that just thrilled and entertained me. It’s not so much “why we should buy art” that interested me but rather the blog offered an image of creative, alternative thinking which is after all just what art is ! This just made me think again that we all have a brilliant idea or two just waiting to be let out. you don’t need special skills, qualifications or even a higher intellect, whatever that is…?

Other than hard work there are only three things that are important to achieving anything…success, money, love, happiness or whatever and putting them into practice Will I guarantee you will see a significant improvement in the results you receive.

  • Focus: know what you want and do that.  All to often we lose site of our goals, get distracted or give up at the first hurdle. Once you are crystal clear on exactly what you are doing and why!  you are one steep closer to achieving your success.
  • Energy: Drive, passion, ambition or whatever you wish to call it, creates energy that allows you to overcome obstacles, push through the discomfort and achieve your goals. This energy is visible to everyone and everything you do. It is the stuff of life that we all feed upon.
  • Objectivity: by managing your emotional state you can be self critical and avoid getting upset, actively seek advice and feedback from mentors and experts so you can learn from mistakes and build on your successes.

Having energy, drive and passion is not in its self enough to achieve success but by maintaining a clear focus or purpose to your actions, which is made all the clearer through being objective you will understand your own strengths and weaknesses and will ultimately be making decisions and not emotional responses.

Understanding these three key principles for success will with out any doubt lead to a better life,  success and achievement in any aspect of your life as it has mine.

please feel free to comment on my posts as I really do value your opinion and do take the chance to have a look at 20×200 blog even if you are not interested in Art..as it an image of creative, alternative thinking and you will still get a lot from it.

20×200.com blog

why you should buy art

~ by mjoart on March 3, 2010.

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