Why What you are reading matters

reading and writing are perhaps the most useful, important and powerful ways to retain any information. It is a proven fact that if you read you are far more like to be able to recall the information that if you just listen.

Only about 5% of knowledge is remembered of a conversation and within 3 days this number has fallen dramatically, however with reading the amount of valuable information retained is far greater and recall is also enhanced significantly. Writing will further this even more.

What you read will also have a dramatic effect on your mood and general outlook to life. If you spend your time reading Newspapers, (ie Dom and Gloom) your mood will automatically reflect this,  especially if your day begins with such a routine you may well find that you are starting your day in the wrong frame of mind.

The solution to this negative input is to read  positive mind enhancing material at the start of the day, Even if it is a just a page or two it will have a great effect on how you see the day ahead and deal with the challenges that present themselves.

To start changing your habits might at first seam difficult, as I as a life long dyslexic I can personally affirm that even today reading is challenging, but stick to it and within a month or two you will not be able to think of your routine  in any other light.  Setting even a small change in your daily rituals will have a massive effect on your life that is disproportionate to the effort….

~ by mjoart on February 21, 2010.

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