living with depression

Depression is a debilitating condition that effect not just the suffers but those close to them. it saps hope and dulls our dreams, stealing the very heart and soul of the vibrant personalities that have been suppressed by the very weight of apathy itself. I know, I have been there and in that hopelessness there is no light, no fighting back, no escape to joy or relief from isolation.  Only coldness, loneliness and the clocking darkness that engulfs you.

At the weekend I spent some time with my twin brother who is currently suffering from depression.  I know he feels so sad inside,  it oozes from his very being,  but also I know that no words of mine will change that only he can find the light, only he can, through sheer will power claw his way back from what he must feel is the end of all hope. he is not alone! This is all that I can say to him,  (or you) for I know that is how he feels.

“You are Not Alone”

hundreds of thousands suffer just like him, are struggling to make sense of the world that used to be so energetic, fun and creative, It is said that about 1 in 3 adults in the UK will suffer some form of mental illness during their lifetime, (depression is a mental illness) Why you get or how! is still some what a mystery. Some consider the condition to be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. This might be true however, I might argue, that it is just as likely that the condition causes this to be rather than a case for it to be! What ever the case, depression is real and not something that you can just shake off.

Individual suffers or those they live with should not lose heart as bad as thing might seem you will and can recover, though sometimes this takes longer than you might like. My best advice to those that live with a sufferer is they  should do their best to stay positive and always be encouraging both in words and deeds, as I know that any one with Depression wishes for a better life and the quality of life that goes with success. But if are suffering. Please do seek help, don’t try and fight it on your own, there is no shame in asking for help as recovery is much quicker and far less painful when you are not alone.

For me, my depression lasted a long time as I tried, foolishly to fight it alone. It was the darkest and most frightening place I had ever been…That said once it had been diagnosed and I received some counselling sessions, I, in a very short time, found my way forward to take back control of my life….But a word of warning! The life I took control of was for me, very different from the one had lived before. It resulted in divorcing my wife of twenty years, becoming an artist and fully embracing a love of life and trust me, although it has been tough at times, I have done more, been more and seen more than I could ever have believed possible…

If this has helped or just shed some light on an otherwise semi-taboo subject please leave a comment also here are A few useful sites and links that you might find useful in dealing or living with depression…..

Facts about depression, including how to manage it and how to live with this medical condition form the USA. nice website too!

Information on Depression from NHS Choices including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks and treatment and with links to other useful resources.

you can find out here about the different types of depression and their treatment.

A helpful article from Marco who wrote Dying for a cure on hubpages as a warning about the use of drugs to treat depression.

~ by mjoart on October 8, 2009.

2 Responses to “living with depression”

  1. Hey mate, this is a great blog post. Glad to see you’ve taken control of your life. A lot of people don’t even realize that sometimes maybe the medication could be the reason they feel even worse when depressed. I’m a big believer in the power of the human mind. I hope more people will read this and find a way out. Marco

    • Thank you Marco. I started to write some things so I could help others to see the world with a little more clarity, it also helps me to sort out my head too..Thanks again for taking the time to have a look and leave some feed back which is always inspiring.

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