artist action can be more than a soap box

As an individual I do not support many charities although I do make regular payment to CARE International and in November buy poppies , for POPPY DAY however last I came across a shot video file for CHANGE and the ATSA.

Not normally having much time for artist action groups which I generally find are little more than a  soap box for radicals and I nearly clicked on..I was however glad I did not, as what I found was an artist action that is actually trying to make the world is a better place for the underprivileged by using art to highlight our awareness of the world around us.

I strongly believe that artist action or using art to create change is far more than just a soap box to shout from.. Art is a universal world-wide language.. I is not that pictures speak a thousand words… it’s just that we understand the words spoken.

change website

ATSA website

CARE International

~ by mjoart on February 24, 2010.

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